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If you have been refused or cannot use MitID

There are several requirements for how users must be able to handle MitID. If a user cannot meet one or more of these requirements, they are not eligible to use MitID.

Citizen Service may refuse to issue MitID if it is assessed that the user cannot meet one or more of these requirements. Here you can read about what the requirements entail and what options are available if you cannot use MitID.

Requirements for MitID

When you approve with MitID, it is equivalent to a physical signature. Therefore, it's important to meet the requirements for handling it. You can see the requirements in the Announcement regarding MitID for individuals, §§3 and 8:

Read the announcement regarding MitID for individuals (Danish)

Two of the most important requirements are:

  • You must not share MitID with others
  • Your identity must be securely confirmed before you can obtain MitID

In other words, one must be able to manage MitID independently. This means, for example, that you must not share your user ID and MitID codes with others. It also means that if you are very uncertain about how to use a computer and smartphone, you will not be able to use MitID on your own. In such cases, Citizen Service must reject the application for MitID.

Another reason for the rejection may also be the inability to securely confirm your identity. Learn more about how to prove who you are when you visit Citizen Service.

Not everyone can meet the requirements. Therefore, there is nothing in the law stating that you must have MitID.

Public Danish authorities are obligated to provide citizens without MitID access to all public services. So even though many public services today require a MitID, you can always request access to the same service from a public Danish authority without using MitID, for example, by using a paper form. 

Contact your bank to find out how you can be a customer without having MitID.

You have a number of options:

Complaint procedure

Along with the rejection, you will also receive a complaint guide. In it, you can see how to file a complaint. File a complaint about the decision if there has been an error or if an incorrect assessment has been made.

Seek assistance

  • Legal assistance: You can seek advice and legal guidance from an independent advisor.
  • Digital assistance: Libraries often provide assistance and guidance in using digital self-service solutions. Some libraries offer courses on everyday IT, such as help with using a PC, smartphone, or tablet. Inquire at your local library.
  • Other assistance: You can also speak with a family member or a trusted support person.

Power of attorney

Do you have someone in your network whom you trust and who is willing to assist you? If so, you can grant them a power of attorney. With a power of attorney, you authorize the person you choose to act on your behalf. They log in as themselves and not as you, meaning that their actions are visible, detailing precisely what they have done on your behalf. However, granting power of attorney may also feel like relinquishing control and independence. Therefore, it's advisable to seek impartial legal advice and guidance from, for example, a lawyer or legal aid before deciding to grant a power of attorney. At a minimum, it's crucial to have a thorough conversation with the person you're granting the power to so they understand your wishes. Documenting the agreement is essential. 

There are different powers of attorney for different self-service solutions. For public solutions a digital power of attorney provides access to most public self-service solutions. For the private sector you need to contact individual companies to inquire about the options for granting power of attorney, such as your bank, pension company, insurance company, and also your doctor.

What about Digital Post?

You should be aware that you need MitID to access Digital Post, which you can read via, the Digital Post app, e-Boks and If you do not have MitID, you should either apply for exemption from Digital Post or grant read access to someone you trust.