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If you want to register complaints about MitID, MitID authenticators, or the way your personal data is handled, use this information.

Complaints about MitID

You can direct your complaint to the Danish Agency for Digitisation, if you:

  • If you are refused to get MitID
  • If your MitID is suspended or blocked without you asking for it

To register a complaint, you must contact the Danish Agency of Digitisation in one of the following ways:

  • Call + 45 33 98 00 10
  • Send an email via Digital Post to the Agency for Digital Government
  • Send a letter with the titel ”Klage over MitID” to:

Landgreven 4
1301 København

In your complaint you should inform about or include the following:

  • User-ID
  • Your full name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Description of the complaint, which could include the reasoned rejection from the Citizen Service or from your bank.
  • Other relevant documents
  • Power of Attorney if you submit a complaint for another person

Decisions made by the Danish Agency for Digitisation cannot be appealed to other administrative authorities but can be appealed to the judicial system.

Complaints about MitID authenticators

Contact the MitID Support, should you have complaints about your MitID authenticator ordered from

This is how you contact MitID Support.

You can also complain about your MitID authenticator using the Danish Dispute Resolution Institute’s public consumer portal:

The Danish Dispute Resolution Institute's address is:

Center for Klageløsning (The Danish Dispute Resolution Institute)

Nævnenes Hus
Toldboden 2
8800 Viborg

You can also submit a complaint via the EU Commission’s portal for online dispute resolution using the following link: 

Complaints about the handling of personal data

You can complain to The Danish Data Protection Agency if you are dissatisfied with the way we handle your personal data. You can contact the Danish Data Protection Agency using the information in the following link:

You can also contact the Danish Agency for Digitisation directly by using one of the following ways to contact agency:

  • Call + 45 33 98 00 10
  • Send Digital Post to Digitaliseringsstyrelsen or send an email to
  • Send a letter with the titel ”Klage over MitID” to:

Landgreven 4
1301 København

Read more about how we handle your personal data in MitID Privacy Notice