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Get MitID app on a new phone/tablet

When you download a new MitID app on your phone or tablet, you need to activate the new app. This applies both if you have deleted the MitID app on your phone and want to reinstall it, or if you get a new phone or tablet and want to install the MitID app on it. There are three ways to activate your MitID app.

Copy your MitID app to a new phone or tablet

If you already have a MitID app, you can copy it to a new phone or tablet by scanning a QR code from your existing MitID app. With this feature, you can easily and quickly activate a new MitID app when you get a new phone or tablet.

Copy your MitID app

Get new MitID app with your passport

You can activate MitID app by scanning your passport and face directly in the app (to compare with your passport photo). This is an alternative to show in person in a Citizen Service Center to activate a new MitID app.

Get MitID app with your passport

Get new MitID app with activation code

You can activate a new app with an activation code in combination with your user ID. You get the activation code at a Citizen Service Centre.

Get activation code for app