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Oqaatsini taakkunani qupperneq iserfigineqarsinnaanngilaq
Oqaatsit atorumanerusatit atorlugit qupperneq iserfigisinnaanngilat. Oqaatsit quppernermi atorneqarsinnaasut ataani allaqqapput.

Legitimation and documentation

If you want to qualify for MitID at a specific assurance level, you need to pass the requirements for that level.

Every assurance level required one or more types of valid legitimation and documentation, like passport or driver license.

The documents required are separated into different categories. You can combine the documents from the different categories to get the MitID authenticator approved at the wanted assurance level. A Danish passport or driver licence are normally sufficient. The documents must be valid. Temporary documentation cannot be used as valid identification.

If you have a passport or an identity card issued in another country, you will need a Danish Health Insurance Card/Special Health Insurance Card or a Danish certificate of residence to qualify for assurance level Substantial.

Contact MitID Support, Citizen Service or your bank, if you have further questions.

Documentation requirements for assurance level high

The following document is valid:

  • Passport with CPR-number issued in Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands

Alternatively, the following documents are valid:

  • Passport without CPR-number issued in Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands (assumes that the passport can be scanned in the MitID app)
  • Passport issued in another country than Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands (assumes that the passport can be scanned in the MitID app)
  • National identity card issued in another country than Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands (assumes that the passport can be scanned in the MitID app)

… which can optionally be combined with one of the following documents, if MitID is to be created with a CPR-number:
(CPR-number must be present in the document)

  • Health insurance card, special health insurance card or health insurance card app issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Residence Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Personal Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Baptism Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Birth Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland 
  • Identity card issued by municipality in Denmark or Greenland

Documentation requirements for assurance level substantial

The following documents are valid:

  • Driving license issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Driving license issued in the Faroe Islands (only accepted at the High Commissioner of Faroe Islands)
  • Driving license app issued in Denmark
  • Passport with CPR-number issued in Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands
  • Residence Permit with picture and CPR number issued in Denmark by the Danish Immigration Service or the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs ID card issued in Denmark

Alternatively, the following documents are valid:

  • Residence Permit with picture issued in Denmark
  • Passport issued in another country than Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands
  • National identity card issued in another country than Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands
  • Identity card issued by municipality in Denmark or Greenland
  • Passport without CPR-number issued in Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands

… combined with one of the following documents:
(CPR-number must be present in the document)

  • Health insurance card, special health insurance card or health insurance card app issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Residence Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Personal Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Baptism Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Birth Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Identity card issued by municipality in Denmark or Greenland
  • Certificate of CPR-number issued in the Faroe Islands (only valid at The High Commissioner’s Office in the Faroe Islands)
  • Latest tax assessment notice (previous year) or preliminary income assessment (current year) (the tax assessment notice or the preliminary income assessment can not be combined with the documentation for receiving public benefit)
  • Documentation for receiving public benefit (maximum 3 months old) (the documentation for receiving public benefit can not be combined with the tax assessment notice or the preliminary income assessment)

Or, the combination of the following two documents are required:
(CPR-number must be present in at least one of the documents)

  • Personal Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Baptism Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Health insurance card, special health insurance card or health insurance card app issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Residence Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Residence Permit with picture issued in Denmark
  • Identity card issued by municipality in Denmark or Greenland
  • Residence Certificate issued in the Faroe Islands
  • Birth and Baptism Certificate issued in the Faroe Islands
  • Birth and Name Certificate issued in the Faroe Islands
  • Certificate of CPR-number issued in the Faroe Islands (only valid at The High Commissioner’s Office in the Faroe Islands)
  • Latest tax assessment notice (previous year) or preliminary income assessment (current year) (the tax assessment notice or the preliminary income assessment can not be combined with the documentation for receiving public benefit)
  • Documentation for receiving public benefit (maximum 3 months old) (the documentation for receiving public benefit can not be combined with the tax assessment notice or the preliminary income assessment)

In case MitID is to be created without a CPR-number, the following documents are valid:

  • Passport without CPR-number issued in Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands
  • Passport issued in another country than Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands
  • National identity card issued in another country than Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands

Documentation requirements for assurance level low

The following documents with a CPR-number are valid:

  • Personal Certificate issued in Denmark or Greenland
  • Health insurance card, special health insurance card or health insurance card app issued in Denmark or Greenland

Alternatively, the following documents without a CPR-number are valid:

  • Driving license issued in another country than Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands
  • Driving license issued in the Faroe Islands
  • Passport issued in another country than Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands
  • National identity card issued in another country than Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands
  • Residence Permit with picture issued in Denmark
  • Passport without CPR-number issued in Denmark, Greenland or Faroe Islands