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MitID user ID

Your MitID user ID is your digital identity when you log on or approve using MitID.

You create your user ID, when you get your MitID. You can change your user ID anytime on Your user ID is personal and unique - two people cannot have the same user ID. A strong user ID is a user ID that is difficult to guess and easy to remember - through the use special characters and numbers.

Forgot your user ID?

If you forget your user ID, you can get it by: 

  • Open the menu in the MitID app and choose Profile, User ID and View your user ID 
  • Visit Citizen Service
  • Contact the MitID Support 
Read more about how to find your user ID

Change user ID

If you want to change your user ID, you can do it in the app by: 

  • Open the Menu in the MitID app, choose Profile, User ID and Change your user ID
  • Visit Citizen Service
Change user ID

Suspecting abuse

If you suspect that your MitID is being compromised, you should block your MitID temporarily.

  • If your user ID has been changed by someone else.
  • If you have informed someone, whom you now suspect of fraud, about your user ID or password.

You can block your MitID yourself or get help from MitID Support.

Go to suspecting abuse

A strong user ID is constructed by words you can remember and words that is secure. Below you can see examples of user IDs that memorable and not easy to guess:

  • stine!always!happy:o)
  • peter78fromlondon
  • johnsnew#id

Whether you use upper or lower case does not make a difference.

A user ID must comply with the following requirements to be approved:

  • Must be made up by 5-48 symbols.
  • Must be made up of the following symbols (You can include same symbol several times): abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå0123456789{}!#$ ^,*()_+-=:;?.@ and spacebar.
  • Must not be identical to your CPR number or be made up by 10 numbers.
  • Must not start or end with spacebar.
  • Must not in use by another MitID user.

Remember that your user ID is not the same as your password.