In some cases you need an 8-digit code (P code) to confirm your identity in the MitID app in combination with your passport, e.g. if you don't have a CPR number. It applies both when you want to create a MitID or change an existing MitID via the MitID app. The P code is valid for 60 days and can be used for 3 attempts. Once the P code has been successfully used once, it can no longer be used.
If you need a P code for a MitID that can be used in your bank, you must contact your bank if they support MitID. Do you need a MitID that can be used in public and/or private self-service solutions, you can also get a P code by contacting the MitID Support or a Citizen Service Centre.
Please pay attention to that most self-service solutions currently require a CPR number. It's not possible to access these self-service soultions with a MitID created with a P code.
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