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How to approve with the MitID app

If you need help and guidance on how to use the MitID app, you can find it here. What you need to do when using the MitID app depends on whether you use a computer or tablet – or perhaps only your phone.

When you use the MitID app, you must either scan a QR code or press a button to be automatically transferred to the app to in order to approve MitID. 

If you e.g. have a visual or mobility impairment and therefore cannot scan a QR code, you can read what you need to do next in the section If you cannot scan QR codes - if you e.g. have a visual or mobility impairment

If you use your phone to go online with - and e.g. need to log on to with the MitID app - you will automatically be taken to the MitID app at the press of a single button. You can then swipe and approve. 

If you need to know more about what to do, you can find more here, including what to do if you cannot approve – as well as the most frequently asked questions and answers: Approve on the same device

Video - How to use MitID - when you use your phone, which also has the MitID app installed (please notice that the video is in Danish, but you can switch the subtitles to English) (1:32)

How to use MitID - when you use your phone, which also has the MitID app installed (PDF)

If you use your computer and must approve with the MitID app, a QR code will appear on the computer screen. You must scan the QR code with the MitID app before you can swipe and approve. 

If you need to know more about what to do, you can find more here, including help to scan QR codes: Approve with QR codes

Video - How to use MitID – when you use a computer, but have the MitID app on your phone (please notice that the video is in Danish, but you can switch the subtitles to English) (1:43)

How to use MitID – when you use a computer, but have the MitID app on your phone (PDF)

If you use a tablet to go online with – and e.g. need to log on to with the MitID app on your phone – you must scan a QR code on the tablet. You must scan the QR code with the MitID app before you can swipe and approve. This also applies if you e.g. use your phone - and want to approve with the MitID app that you have on another phone. 

If you need to know more about what to do, you can find more here, including help to scan QR codes: Approve with QR codes

Video - How to use MitID – when you use a tablet, but have the MitID app on your phone (please notice that the video is in Danish, but you can switch the subtitles to English) (1:55)

How to use MitID – when you use a tablet, but have the MitID app on your phone (PDF)

If you cannot scan QR codes, for example if you have a visual or mobility impairment, or if the camera on your phone is broken, there is an alternative, namely a one-time code which you must enter in your MitID app before you can swipe and approve 

To begin with, the MitID app is set to scan QR codes. You must therefore change the settings in the MitID app (under the menu 'Approve using QR or one-time code') if you want to use one-time codes. It takes 24 hours from when you have requested the change until you are asked to confirm the change, and it then takes effect. This is due to the fact that it is a change to a personal setting, which for security reasons takes 24 hours to implement. 

If you need to know more about what to do, you can find more here, including help to scan QR codes and how to switch to approve with a one-time code: Approve with one-time codes

When you use your computer - and must approve with the MitID app 

Video - How to use MitID – when you use a computer, but have the MitID app on your phone (one-time code) (please notice that the video is in Danish, but you can switch the subtitles to English) (1:41)

How to use MitID – when you use a computer, but have the MitID app on your phone (one-time code) (including how to switch to using one-time codes) (PDF)

When you use a tablet - and must approve with the MitID app on the phone 

Video - How to use MitID – when you use a tablet, but have the MitID app on your phone (one-time code) (please notice that the video is in Danish, but you can switch the subtitles to English) (1:58)

How to use MitID – when you use a tablet, but have the MitID app on your phone (one-time code) (including how to switch to using one-time codes) (PDF)

How to switch from one-time codes to QR codes

Video - How to switch to use QR codes (please notice that the video is in Danish, but you can switch the subtitles to English) (0:45)